Plain language: What sort of links are there between the University and business?
Companies want to be successful.
To be so, companies need well-trained employees.
In addition, companies need information
about the latest state of research and development.
The University of Bayreuth helps with this.
The University of Bayreuth has been working closely
with companies for many years.
Companies need well-trained employees.
Companies find well-trained junior staff at the University.
The University of Bayreuth helps companies
get in touch with students.
There is a job portal at the University of Bayreuth.
There, companies can put in job offers for students.
You can find more about this in difficult language here (in German language)
Many events take place at the University of Bayreuth.
At these, companies and students can meet.
These events are intended to help:
- Companies find future employees
- Students find a job or an internship place
After graduation, students usually
wish to start professional life.
The University of Bayreuth want to help students with this.
There are 2 ways to do this,
- Students look for a paid job.
- Students start their own business.
The University of Bayreuth helps students with both options.
1. The University of Bayreuth helps students
find a job after graduation
The University of Bayreuth has a Career Service unit.
The Career Service team helps students
to quickly find a good job.
For this purpose, the Career Forum takes place once a year.
The Career Forum is a fair.
At this fair, students can get to know many companies.
2. The University of Bayreuth helps students
start their own business
There is an extra department for this with a very difficult name.
It is called the Entrepreneurship & Innovation staff unit.
These are English words
pronounced On-trer-pren-er-ship and Inno-vation.
This office helps students
who want to start a business.
The tasks of this unit are:
- Encouraging new business ideas from students.
At the University of Bayreuth,
students can learn to think and act like entrepreneurs. - Expand the swapping of knowledge between the University
and companies.
- Establish and maintain a network of contacts with
These contacts help students
when starting their business.
The University of Bayreuth has many offerings
to allow companies to make use of the University's knowledge.
For example, lectures and other events are held at the University.
At these events,
the University presents news from its research and development.
There are many research bodies at the University of Bayreuth.
These facilities work together with companies in research.
The University also shares knowledge with the public.
Professors explain important topics in a way
that most people can understand.
These explanations are then published in newspapers, on the radio or even on television.
Companies in Germany need many well-trained
skilled workers and managers.
That is why the University provides special support for talented students.
Companies can support the University in their efforts.
One possibility is the Deutschland-Stipendium (Germany Scholarship):
With a scholarship, students receive money.
Companies and private individuals can support the Deutschland-Stipendium
by donating money.
Also of interest:
What can you find on the website of the University of Bayreuth? Click here.
General information on the University of Bayreuth. Click here.
General information on studying. Click here.
What research is being done at the University of Bayreuth? Click here.
With what countries is the University of Bayreuth in contact? Click here.
What else besides studying can you do on the grounds of the University of Bayreuth? Click here.
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