Logo Universität Bayreuth
cover of an image brochure of the University of Bayreuth and cover of UBT-Aktuell


The Press, Marketing & Communication unit produces its own publications and supports all areas of the University of Bayreuth, for example, in the design and production of brochures.

Because the Unicampus in Bayreuth and Kulmbach is not only about research and teaching, our magazine UBTaktuell reports on the people on campus and everything that is going on here. Until the coronavirus changed campus life, the magazine was always published in printed form at the beginning of the semester. The new online format of UBTaktuell, however, now offers the opportunity to report on the latest news as it happens. The printed edition of UBTaktuell with interesting reports from the campus is published twice a year.

Would you like to receive our magazines? Write to us: pressestelle@uni-bayreuth.de