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Little boy with baseball cap in a laboratory

Offers for pupils

The pupils of today are the students of tomorrow. For us at the University of Bayreuth, this is reason enough to offer young people from Upper Franconia and the northern Upper Palatinate a lot today. We aim to help them find the right field of study for them.

In order for young people to get a better overview of the subject areas and fields of study offered, the University of Bayreuth hosts, among other things, taster lectures, open days, counselling sessions, and numerous other interesting events. Above all, however, there is also the possibility of early study. You can find an overview of all the offers related to school on the following pages. 

Information for teachers and school administrators

Your school would like to become a cooperation partner of the University of Bayreuth? Are you looking for detailed information on selecting suitable pupils for the early study programme or do you need all the information in compressed form for downloading? Then visit our page for teachers and school administrators.

Opportunities for early study at the University of Bayreuth

Further offers for pupils and prospective students

Offers of individual departments and the faculties


Here you will find questions and answers about our offers for students. We have also compiled the most important contacts for you.