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University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 079/2023, 12.06.2023

New Fellows at the Bayreuth Humboldt Centre

The Senior and Junior Fellows for 2023 have been appointed. Six scientists from all over the world will come to Germany with this fellowship.

Since 2019, the University of Bayreuth Centre of International Excellence "Alexander von Humboldt" (Bayreuth Humboldt Centre) has been awarding international guest researchers who then come to the University of Bayreuth for research stays. They cooperate with their Bayreuth hosts and get to know the Upper Franconian campus as a dynamic learning and research location, where interdisciplinarity and creative thinking are lived.

This year, the six fellows come from six different countries. "Selecting the Fellows this year was a Herculean task," says Prof. Dr. Bernhard Herz, Deputy Director of the Humboldt Center. "Not only were the applications of very high quality, but the number of applications more than doubled compared to last year." The fellowships this year go to:

Der Humboldt Beirat: Prof. Dr. Richard Cogdell, Prof. Dr. Anna Köhler, Dr. Christian Bode (unterste Reihe v.l.), Prof. Dr. Bernhard Herz, Prof. Dr. Nina Nestler, Prof. Dr. Arndt Bode (mittlere Reihe v.l.), Insa Kind, Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible (obere Reihe v.l.)

Insa Kind

Insa Kind

Managing Director Humboldt Center

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5223
E-mail: humboldt-centre@uni-bayreuth.de

Jennifer Opel

Jennifer Opel (parental leave)Deputy Press & PR Manager

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5357
E-mail: jennifer.opel@uni-bayreuth.de