University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 134/2023, 21.09.2023
New study by the University of Bayreuth on the genetic magnetization of living bacteria – Great potential for biomedicine
Magnetic bacteria possess extraordinary capabilities due to the magnetic nanoparticles, the magnetosomes, which are concatenated inside their cells. A research team at the University of Bayreuth has now transferred all the about 30 genes responsible for the production of these particles to non-magnetic bacteria in a broad series of experiments. This resulted in a number of new bacterial strains that are now capable of producing magnetosomes. The research findings presented in "Nature Nanotechnology" are groundbreaking for the generation of magnetized living cells, which have great potential for the development of innovative diagnostic and therapeutic methods in biomedicine.
Dr. Marina Dziuba with bacterial cultures for the production of magnetic nanoparticles.
Christian Wißler/UBT
Electron micrograph of a transgenic bacterium of the bacterial species Blastochloris viridis producing magnetic nanoparticles.
Marina Dziuba
Electron micrograph of magnetic nanoparticles in the cell of a transgenic bacterium of the bacterial species Blastochloris viridis.
Marina Dziuba
Culture of the genetically modified bacterial species Blastochloris viridis capable of magnetosome formation. A magnet on the wall of the test tube attracts the bacteria
Marina Dziuba
Bilder zum Download
- Electron micrograph of a transgenic bacterium of the bacterial species Blastochloris viridis producing magnetic nanoparticles. Image: Marina Dziuba.
- Electron micrograph of magnetic nanoparticles in the cell of a transgenic bacterium of the bacterial species Blastochloris viridis. Image: Marina Dziuba.
- Culture of the genetically modified bacterial species Blastochloris viridis capable of magnetosome formation. A magnet on the wall of the test tube attracts the bacteria. Image: Marina Dziuba.
- Dr. Marina Dziuba with bacterial cultures for the production of magnetic nanoparticles. Photo: UBT / Chr. Wißler.