University of Bayreuth, Press release No. 124/2023 - 11 September 2023
Flexibilisation of electricity demand: New funding phase of the Kopernikus project SynErgie at the University of Bayreuth
By 2035, the electricity generated in Germany is to come entirely from renewable sources. However, an electricity supply generated predominantly from sun and wind will fluctuate over the course of the day. Therefore, the Kopernikus project SynErgie, which has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since 2016, is investigating how energy-intensive companies can flexibly adapt their demand to the electricity supply. On the part of the University of Bayreuth, Prof. Dr. Knut Werner Lange, Chair of Civil Law, German and European Commercial and Company Law, is researching the legal framework conditions. Recently, the third phase of the nationwide large-scale project started.
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans Ulrich Buhl (left) and Prof. Dr. Knut Werner Lange at the SynErgie information stand at the FIM opening in Bayreuth. The Lego bricks stand for the synergy effects that result from the interlocking of science and business.
UBT / Chr. Wißler.