Current economic studies show: Sustainability has become a competitive advantage for companies. This advantage is particularly pronounced when companies not only align their actions with appropriate ethical and legal standards, but demonstrably bring about greater sustainability as a result. "Sustainable transformation only succeeds when different disciplines such as ethics and economics work together in practice," explains Brink, who researches and teaches in the interlocking area of Bayreuth's Philosophy & Economics program. "It needs, first, a consistent link between attitude, action and impact; second, relevance on the customer side; and third, a shared understanding of sustainability in the ESG factors as defined in the new reporting standard. On this basis, we have now developed a rating system that combines these different elements."
"We are proud to have the University of Bayreuth as a strong and competent partner for the transfer into practice," says Dr. Markus Groß-Engelmann, partner and rating expert at concern GmbH. "The University of Bayreuth stands for the topic of sustainability in all its facets: from research and teaching, to further education, social entrepreneurship and the activities around the sustainability office GreenCampus."
Based on the new sustainability ranking, Hallesche Krankenversicherung a. G. was recently recognized as a health partner in the area of private and company health insurance. "The rating gives us an initial external assessment that shows us where we are already well positioned and where we can still develop further," says Wiltrud Pekarek, who is responsible for Hallesche Krankenversicherung on the ALH Group's Board of Management.
Link to the sustainability impact rating: