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University of Bayreuth, Press Release No 019/2024 -  9 February 2024

New Master's degree programme: Philosophy and Computer Science

The University of Bayreuth is expanding its range of courses for students who want to meet the challenges of information technologies of the future and successfully master them in the long term. With the Philosophy & Computer Science Master's degree programme, another interdisciplinary degree programme is being created that focuses on the opportunities of digitalization. Prospective students have until June 15 to apply to start in the winter semester.

AI, online polarization, the attention economy, surveillance capitalism: challenges like these cannot be overcome with technological solutions alone. They require a broader perspective. The Master's program Philosophy & Computer Science (P&CS) at the University of Bayreuth aims to train a new generation of creative thinkers who combine technical knowledge with philosophical analysis. This combination of skills allows graduates to master the social, scientific and institutional challenges of new information technologies.

"Modern society is changing rapidly and becoming increasingly digital. This brings with it many unforeseen challenges in research, business and politics. Our vision for this new degree program is to enable graduates to master such challenges. By providing them with a unique combination of skills, we will make them experts in problem solving and technical innovation," explains Prof. Dr. Lena Kästner, Professor of Philosophy, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bayreuth.

The Philosophy and Computer Science degree program is designed for four semesters and is taught in English. It combines a sound education with state-of-the-art research-based teaching. Students acquire knowledge and methodological skills in both philosophy and computer science.

The philosophical training includes ethical, epistemological and scientific-theoretical questions raised by modern computer systems. In addition, the social, political and legal consequences of the use of such systems are debated. The computer science course deals with algorithmic programming as well as machine learning and data analysis - both in theory and practice.

Graduates will thus be able to recognize and overcome the most important technical, social, ethical and institutional challenges that arise from the use of modern information technologies and artificial intelligence in society as a whole. This includes generative systems such as ChatGPT, interaction with artificial agents and automated decision-making.

Prof. Dr. Lena Kästner

Prof. Dr. Lena Kästner

Professorship of Philosophy, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

Tel.: +49 (0)921 / 55-4164
E-mail: lena.kaestner@uni-bayreuth.de

Olga Gassan

Olga Gassan

Unversity Marketing

Phone: +49 (0)921/ 55-5317
E-mail: olga.gassan@uni-bayreuth.de