University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 090/2023 of 27 June 2023
A whole week for sustainability
Over the course of eight days, all facets of sustainability will be highlighted and student engagement on the campus of the University of Bayreuth will be shown. The Sustainability Week will take place from 03. to 10. July 23. A diverse programme will be offered for this purpose.
Sustainability plays a special role at the University of Bayreuth: it was one of the first universities in Bavaria to develop a comprehensive sustainability strategy. During Sustainability Week, this strategy is brought to life by the students. It is organised annually by the student parliament with GreenCampus, the graduate association RW Alumni and the Vice President for Digitalisation, Innovation and Sustainability at the university. The aim is to look at the topic of sustainability from a wide variety of perspectives and to keep it present on campus. Through lectures, workshops, panel discussions or guided tours, insights are given into the university's research activities, solution strategies and students' lived commitment. Since 2023, the university's sustainability prize has also been awarded by the president during Sustainability Week. In addition, on 6 July at 6.15 p.m. in the Audimax, a large panel discussion will be organised by the student parliament on the topic of "The challenge of energy transition - prosperity and clean electricity for all?
Discussion on the war in Ukraine: Based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 17, the Liberal University Group organises an interactive workshop on the events in Ukraine and discusses possible solutions with people from Ukraine who describe their impressions.
When: Monday, 03.07; 4 to 6 p.m.
Where: S 64 (RW I)
Group discussion on the three pillars of sustainability: Economy, ecology and social issues form the three pillars of sustainability. A group discussion organised by the supplementary study programme Sustainability will shed light on these.
When: Monday, 03.07; 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: S 59 (RW I)
Film evening with subsequent discussion: 2040 - We save the world! The Planetary Health Alliance will show the film "2040 - We save the world!". The thought-provoking film deals with the question of what measures are necessary to continue to maintain a liveable environment in the year 2040. Following the film, there will be an opportunity for joint discussion.
When: Monday, 03.07; admission 6.30 p.m., start 7 p.m.
Where: Glashaus
ÖBG guided tour: Together with MUN and GreenCampus, the ÖBG offers a guided tour of its grounds. More info will follow soon.
When: Tuesday, 04.07; Morning (about 10 a.m.)
Where: ÖBG
Workshop: "On the way to a regional climate conference - your ideas for effective climate protection in Bayreuth": While COP28 is taking place in Dubai next December, Forum 1.5 is simultaneously launching the first regional climate conference in Bayreuth. The aim is to bring together a broad spectrum of stakeholders to decisively advance climate protection in the region and make it more binding. The first preparatory event will focus on the student perspective. The workshop connects global climate policy with current efforts in Bayreuth. At the end of the workshop, we want to put together a student planning team for further workshops on the climate conference.
When: Tuesday, 04.07; 3 to 6 p.m.
Where: S 62 (RW I)
Clothes Swap Party: Dive into the world of fashion, swap unused and still well-preserved clothes, get hold of unique items and promote sustainable consumption. The party is organised by Oikos e.V.
When: Tuesday, 04.07; 12 to 16 hrs.
Where: Glass House
Lecture: Sustainability in Development Economics: Technology without Borders is organising this lecture incl. discussion on sustainability in development economics.
When: Tuesday, 04.07; 6 to 8 p.m.
Where: S 58 (RW I)
Awarding of the Sustainability Prize of the University of Bayreuth: Three Bachelor's and or Master's theses will be awarded by the President of the University of Bayreuth, Prof. Dr. Stefan Leible. The prize is sponsored by the Universitätsverein Bayreuth e.V. The winners were selected by a jury consisting of members of the university administration, GreenCampus, the student parliament and the university association.
Afterwards, Prof. Torsten Weber from the CBS International Business School will give a keynote speech on the topic of "Entrepreneurial sustainability - real innovation driver or just a cool fig leaf? Prof. Weber worked as a management consultant and was significantly involved in the development of the first Bundesliga Environmental Report of the Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH. He is co-founder of the association "Sports for Future e.V." and advises organisations such as the DOSB and the BBL on sustainability management. In his research and teaching, he focuses on topics such as sustainability management, corporate social responsibility and sustainable consumer behaviour. His lecture will address the following points, among others: Pressure points in sustainability for organisations; Success factors in sustainability management; The danger of greenwashing; Best practice cases from SMEs and sports.
Where: SWO conference room at the University of Bayreuth
When: Wednesday, 05.07.2023 at 6:15 pm
Bicycle repair workshop: The aim of the "Bicycle Repair" workshop is to show participants ways in which they can make various parts of their bicycle - such as tyres - functional again! Through the cooperation with the Radbox, the participants will be taught the necessary skills and contact points for further support! The workshop is organised by Zusatzstudium Nachhaltigkeit with the Radbox. Prior registration is requested:
When: Wednesday, 05.07.23; 9 to 11 a.m.
Where: Radbox
Innoworkshop for Impact StartUps: Enactus offers this workshop on innovative startups.
When: Wednesday, 05.07; 2 pm
Where: S 59 (RW I)
Repair Workshop: The workshop "Repairing Everyday Objects" aims to introduce participants to ways in which we can make various everyday objects - such as laptops - usable again! Through the cooperation with the Repair Café Bayreuth, the participants will be taught the necessary skills and contact points where they can get further support! Registration is requested.
When: Wednesday, 05.07; 3.30 to 6.30 p.m.
Where: S 135 (NW III)
Initiative market: Before and after the sustainability awards ceremony, sustainable initiatives will present themselves in front of the SWO conference room. This is to make the sustainable commitment existing on campus visible.
When: Wednesday, 05.07; from 17:30 hrs.
Where: In front of the SWO conference room (next to ZUV)
Sewing workshop: Turning waste into use. In our 3-hour sewing workshop, which we offer together with the shop Verstofflicht from Bayreuth, you will learn practical knowledge about sustainable clothing consumption, repairing and sewing clothes in a group. While repairing, you expand your skills to be able to use garments longer and thus live more sustainably. The workshop is organised by the Sustainability Supplementary Programme. Please register:
When: Thursday, 06.07; 9 to 11 a.m.
Where: S 74 (NW II)
ClimatePuzzle: Understand better to act right: Based on the IPCC reports, the ClimatePuzzle workshop makes scientific information more accessible in an educationally valuable way. Discover or deepen: The workshop is prepared in such a way that newcomers as well as climate experts can take something away and contribute. Think and discuss together: Swarm intelligence is the key to identifying the interconnections of climate change. As a group, we will work out what the causes and effects of climate change are, based on the IPCC reports. General conditions: Participation is open to all university members and is limited to a number of 16 people. If you are interested in participating, please register via by Tuesday, 04 July 2023, 17:00. First come, first served applies.
When: Thursday, 06.07, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Where: S 34 (NW I)
Panel discussion: "The challenge of energy transition - prosperity and clean electricity for all? - The Student Parliament of the University of Bayreuth invites you to this panel discussion on 6 July at 6.15 pm in the Audimax of the University. Prof. Jens Strüker, head of the Fraunhofer Blockchain Laboratory and director of the Research Center for Information Management (FIM), Fidelis Stehle, youth delegate for sustainable development of the Federal Youth Ring, Dr. Marcus Rohleder, manager at the transmission grid operator Tennet and Marco Böttger, board member of the Bayreuth energy consultancy Ispex will discuss. Current issues, especially in German energy policy, will be discussed.
When: Thursday, 06.07, 6.15 p.m.
Where: Audimax
Plant swap: The Jusos offer a plant swap at the Audimax.
When: Friday, 07.07, 12 to 15 p.m.
Where: Rondell
Final of the Social Entrepreneurship Mission: In the summer semester 2023, students of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Bayreuth will develop innovative solutions for a better inclusion of people with disabilities in the labour market. The aim is to collect ideas for business start-ups in teams, with which inclusion can be better realised on the labour market. The teams will present these solutions to the interested public by means of pitches.
When: Friday, 07.07, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Where: S 58 (RW I)
Lecture: "Kimasch(m)utzkommunikation - die kommunikativen Tricks der Verzögerer": Prof. Christian Stoeker from HAW Hamburg will give a lecture organised by Scientist4Future, which will give an insight into the world of climate communication.
When: Monday, 10.07, 7.30 p.m.
Where: Audimax
Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-3514
Office of the Student Parliament
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5296
Office: Room 1.42, Building Glasmittelbau
Universitätsstr. 30, 95447 Bayreuth