Humans depend on the ingestion of proteins to process their food, which are broken down into amino acids in the gastrointestinal tract. These in turn are absorbed by the organism and serve as molecular building blocks for the production of the body's own proteins, which are essential for life and enable growth and development, among other things. Some amino acids ("essential amino acids") must absolutely be supplied through nutrition, as the human body cannot produce them itself. Traditionally, humans have consumed a large proportion of proteins in the form of meat, fish and dairy products. Due to climate change and pressure to produce food more sustainably, consumers are becoming more aware of alternative sources of protein, such as pulses, peas, lentils and soy. They have a relatively high protein content. These vegetable proteins can be consumed directly or processed in meat substitutes. Novel protein sources include insects, algae and fungi.
The aim of this project is to compare the quantity and quality of protein supply from conventional and alternative protein-containing foods using analytical-chemical and biochemical methods. In doing so, the faculty will involve numerous disciplines; the scientific perspective will be supplemented by surveys of consumers on general acceptance and frequency of consumption. Furthermore, legal aspects in the context of novel foods will be considered and commodity flows and aspects of the circular economy will be investigated. These reearchers will be involved: