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University of Bayreuth, Press Release No 048/2023 - 28 April 2023

Increasing inclusion in workplaces

Students at the University of Bayreuth want to find out where problems lie with inclusion in the labour market in Upper Franconia. They will start with a dialogue on the topic of "Working with Disabilities" on 5 May, the European Day for Equality for People with Disabilities, at the Bayreuth City Library.

For almost 30 years, demonstrations and specialist events have taken place throughout Europe on 5 May - the European Day of Protest for Equality for People with Disabilities. They draw attention to the fundamental right to equal participation, which is still neglected in many areas of social life and also in the world of work. 5 May is also the kick-off of a programme for students at the University of Bayreuth: in the summer semester of 2023, the participants will develop their own entrepreneurial solutions for better inclusion. They will be accompanied by the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the University of Bayreuth and Hilfswerft gGmbH. The aim is to constructively address real barriers to inclusion faced by regional actors. The practical exchange on 5 May offers the students a first opportunity to identify the causes of problems directly with the target group.

Prof. Dr. Eva Jakob, Junior Professor for Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Bayreuth, explains: "In workshops with regional companies, we wanted to find out where the problems lie with inclusion on the labour market. There is a lot of uncertainty: in some cases, HR managers lack the relevant know-how to specifically address people with disabilities. Some employers do not know enough about financial support options, for example through the Inclusion Office of the Bavarian Family and Social Affairs Centre and other contact points. And others have not yet realised the value of people with disabilities as professionals. I hope we can address some of these points at our practice exchange on 5 May."

Unternehmensvertreter*innen und gesellschaftliche Akteur*innen im Projekt „Mission: Inklusion“, die gemeinsam mit den Studierenden die Themen und Herausforderungen für die Arbeitsphase der Studierenden während dem Sommersemester identifiziert haben: v.l.n.r. hinten: Annegret Schnick und Susanne Schinke (gedikom GmbH), Dorit Lütgenau (inclou. GmbH & Co. KG), Marina Bernhard und Jasmin Ferstl (Zentrum Bayern Familie und Soziales), Prof. Dr. Eva Jakob (Universität Bayreuth), v.l.n.r. vorne: Marco Marino (conexon GmbH), Bettina Wurzel (Behindertenvertretung Stadt Bayreuth), Tobias Schuberth (stellv. Schwerbehindertenvertretung Universität Bayreuth), Daniel Fischer (Agentur für Arbeit Bayreuth), Tina Beeg (Universität Bayreuth).

At the "Practice exchange: Inclusion in the world of work" on 5 May in Bayreuth, citizens will have the opportunity to learn about solution-oriented perspectives on the topic of inclusion. From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., interested people are invited to learn and network around the topic of "working with disabilities" at the RW21 municipal library. The non-profit Hilfswerft gGmbH and the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at the University of Bayreuth (IEI) are providing the practical exchange with the support of the Centre for Bavarian Family and Social Affairs (ZBFS). Participation is free of charge.

Keynote speaker Marten Welschbach lives with a disability himself, founded the inclusive company Companion2Go and is currently a talent scout for the initiative "Inklupreneur". Together with four regional experts from the field, he will discuss perspectives and hurdles in inclusion on the labour market in a public panel discussion. In the subsequent open dialogue, guests will have the opportunity to network with representatives from business and public institutions.

Registration for the "Praxis-Austausch: Inklusion in der Arbeitswelt" is free of charge on the Hilfswerft gGmbH website: https://www.hilfswerft.de/veranstaltung/praxis-austausch_inklusion-in-der-arbeitswelt_bayreuth/#Anmeldung_Austausch

The venue will be barrier-free accessible. Special accessibility needs can be communicated online during registration. Following the event, the participating students from the University of Bayreuth will start developing their own inclusion concepts. The public presentation of their ideas will take place on 7 July in Bayreuth.

Prof. Dr. Eva Alexandra Jakob

Prof. Dr. Eva Jakob

Junior Professor for Social Entrepreneurship

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-2860
E-mail: Eva.Jakob@uni-bayreuth.de

Anja Maria Meister

Anja-Maria Meister

PR Spokesperson at the University of Bayreuth

Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-5300
E-mail: anja.meister@uni-bayreuth.de