University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 37/2024, from 25.03.2024
New part-time Master's degree program at the Campus Academy: "Environment, Climate and Health"
From the winter semester 2024/25, the Campus Academy of the University of Bayreuth will offer the part-time continuing education course M.A. "Environment, Climate and Health". Applications can be submitted as of now.
Climate change and the associated effects on our environment and health are currently the greatest challenges to the well-being of the population and the planet. It is of central importance that these effects of climate- and environment-related changes are considered across all relevant sectors, such as the health, transport, agriculture and energy sectors. Joint transdisciplinary action is required in order to develop new solutions and embark on the necessary transformation paths.
What skills do those responsible need in order to meet the challenges associated with the climate and environmental crisis? What are effective strategies for involving different stakeholders, for example from the medical, political and economic sectors, each with different goals, in joint measures? How can the effects of the climate crisis be communicated to various decision-makers in an understandable and effective way and how can their ability to act be promoted?
Students on the continuing education Master's degree course in Environment, Climate and Health deal with these key issues. You will learn how planetary health can be integrated into the day-to-day work of your professional field and how you can develop and implement specific transformative concepts. In close consultation with the lecturers, students develop their own transformative projects to strengthen their action and methodological skills. The part-time Master's degree program is therefore aimed at people in positions of responsibility in all sectors and areas, such as the private sector, politics or medicine.

Climate change, loss of biodiversity and human health. These are all very topical and very important issues for the health of our planet. At the Campus Academy of the University of Bayreuth, the new Master's program in Environment, Climate and Health focuses on these topics and their complex interrelationships. Our unique program offers a comprehensive approach that combines natural sciences, law, economics and social sciences. Students will be able to tackle real environmental problems and contribute to positive change,"
explains Prof. Dr. Eckhard Nagel, Managing Director of the Institute of Medical Management and Health Sciences.
The course is a part-time course of study over a period of five semesters. Admission to the course requires a Bachelor's degree with at least 210 credit points, 30 of which must be in health or natural sciences and a final grade of "good" or "very good". In addition, prospective students must have at least two years of professional experience related to planetary health. Planetary health refers to the connection between human health and political, economic and social systems.
Studying at the Campus Academy is subject to fees. The course is supported by the Mercator Foundation, which awards up to 10 scholarships for one semester of the M.A. in Environment, Climate and Health. Interested parties can apply for these scholarships from now until July 15, 2024. Further information:
Further information on the degree program at

Romina LörzingResearch assistant at the Institute for Medical Management
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4815

Olga Gassan Unversity Marketing
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5317