University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 007/2024 - 22 January 2024
New Heisenberg Professorship at the University of Bayreuth
Prof. Dr. Johannes C. Brendel has been appointed head of the Department of Macromolecular Chemistry I at the University of Bayreuth with effect from 1st of January 2024. The Bayreuth alumnus was previously an Emmy Noether Fellow at Friedrich Schiller University Jena and is now funded by the DFG's renowned Heisenberg Programme in Bayreuth.
Prof. Dr. Johannes Brendel's research focuses on the development of functional polymers, i.e. the preparation of long molecular chains that have special functions or properties. A particular focus of his work lies on structuring these materials in the nanometer range using so-called supramolecular interactions, which order these long molecular chains. "At the University of Bayreuth, I will significantly expand my research on supramolecular structured polymers," he says. In other words, his research aims to develop polymers that can self-assemble into fibres or other nanostructures. These "self-assembled polymer fibers" can be used, for example, to transport drugs to specific sites in the body where they can selectively exert their therapeutic effect and reduce side effects. The self-assembled polymer fibers can also form liquefiable gels that can be used as artificial cell scaffolds or injectable drug depots, thus enabling new forms of therapy. In Bayreuth, Mr. Brendel will also increasingly focus on the development of new materials, such as the 3D printing of elastomers. These are materials that - like rubber bands - can stretch considerably and return to their original shape. However, as they are cross-linked by supramolecular bonds in this case, they can be printed in a wide variety of shapes. Structuring at the nanoscale also opens up new possibilities in the construction of organic electronics, which not only have tiny dimensions but facilitate the design of flexible circuits. With his return to Bayreuth, Prof. Brendel intends to revitalise this field of research.

A melting pot for polymer research making top international research possible has been created at the University of Bayreuth .
Prof. Dr Johannes C. Brendel
Prof. Dr. Johannes C. Brendel is a graduate of the elite graduate programme Macromolecular Science at the University of Bayreuth, where he received his PhD in 2013. He was then awarded a DFG research fellowship to work as a postdoctoral researcher in a joint project between the University of Warwick and the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Science in Melbourne, before establishing his own research group at the University of Jena. There he was funded within the Emmy Noether Programme of the DFG and worked on "Supramolecular polymer brushes as drug delivery systems". He will continue this work at the University of Bayreuth, funded within the DFG's Heisenberg programme. "A melting pot for polymer research has been created at the University of Bayreuth, in which various disciplines, e.g. chemistry, physics, engineering and biology, work closely together across disciplines, making top international research possible. This unique environment was already inspiring during my studies and doctorate and has continued to develop over the last few years that I have been away," says Prof. Brendel. "I am therefore delighted to have this opportunity to return to my alma mater."
Keyword „Heisenberg-Professur“:
The Heisenberg Program of the German Research Foundation (DFG) was named after the German physicist Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976), who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics at the age of 31. The Heisenberg Professorship gives particularly distinguished and outstandingly qualified scientists the opportunity to further sharpen their scientific profile.
More about Prof. Brendel in our UBTaktuell:

Prof. Dr. Johannes C. BrendelChair of Macromolecular Chemistry I
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55 3200

Anja-Maria MeisterPR Spokesperson at the University of Bayreuth
Phone: +49 (0) 921 / 55-5300