University of Bayreuth, Press Release No. 157/2023 - 17 November 2023
Two scientists from the University of Bayreuth are among the world's "Highly Cited Researchers"
For the second time in a row, the University of Bayreuth can be pleased about the worldwide reputation and strong impact of its research work: Prof. Dr Christian Laforsch and Dr Martin Löder have been honoured.
Prof. Dr. Christian Laforsch
Dr. Martin Löder
University President Prof. Dr Stefan Leible congratulates: "The fact that Prof. Dr Laforsch and Dr Martin Löder are among the one per cent of the most cited and thus among the most renowned publishers in their field is also proof of the outstanding research and teaching work of our university. I am delighted that this award also strengthens the appeal of the University of Bayreuth and congratulate both of them on this extraordinary success."
Prof. Dr Christian Laforsch holds the Chair of Animal Ecology I, is a member of the Bayreuth Centre for Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER) and spokesperson for the DFG Collaborative Research Centre 1357 Microplastics, as well as the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network LIMNOPLAST. Prof. Dr Laforsch, who was recently awarded Professor of the Year by the UNICUM Foundation, was honoured by Clarivate in the "interdisciplinary" category. Dr Martin Löder was already among the most cited scientists in the environment and ecology category last year, as he was again this year. He is also a member of BayCEER and the SFB Microplastics, where he heads the Keylab for Microplastics Analysis.
"Highly Cited Researchers" are scientists whose publications are most frequently cited by other scientists in scientific journals worldwide. Most frequently means here: The selected researchers have written several papers that have been among the top one per cent of the most cited publications in their field in the last ten years. These are determined by Clarivate, a renowned information services company. In addition to the sheer number of citations, a qualitative analysis and an expert judgement are included, so that the "Highly Cited Researcher" award is not just a summary, but also a scientifically evaluated award. The award in the "cross field" category clearly demonstrates the interdisciplinary orientation of Prof Dr Christian Laforsch's working group, which is also reflected in the interdisciplinary approach of the CRC Microplastics.
Der SFB 1357 "Microplastics - Understanding the mechanisms and processes of biological effects, transport and formation: From model to complex systems as a basis for new solutions"
Since 2019, the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre 1357 Microplastics at the University of Bayreuth has been researching the formation, environmental transport and effects of the increasing global pollution of the environment by plastics and developing innovative solutions to counter the resulting ecological, health and economic risks. The close link between interdisciplinary basic research and problem- and application-oriented research should not only enable a well-founded risk assessment of microplastic particles depending on their diverse properties, but also pave the way for the development of sustainable plastics and also strengthen the transfer of knowledge to the public. The Collaborative Research Centre Microplastics has already published 50 papers in renowned journals in 2023, demonstrating the scientific impact of its members' interdisciplinary research work.

Andreas DietlPublic Relations and Knowledge Transfer Advisor
SFB 1357 Microplastics
Public Relations and Knowledge Transfer
Phone: +49 (0) 921-55-2065