Post-Doctoral Position (Akad. Rat auf Zeit) (m/f/d) (payscale A 13)
Chair for Economic and Social History at the Faculty of Cultural Studies
Application deadline:
The Chair for Economic and Social History, at the University of Bayreuth (Prof. Jan-Otmar Hesse), invites applications for one
Post-Doctoral Position (Akademischer Rat auf Zeit) (m/f/d) (payscale A 13)
in modern economic and social history.
The Bayreuth group in Economic and Social History combines historical research methods with quantitative economic history in teaching and research. Our research focusses on global trade and the world economy of the 20th century, business history in particular of multinational enterprises and political economy. We offer a stimulating research environment, which strongly promotes ambitious research ideas and internal and external research cooperation. Funding for conference travel, research assistants and seminar invitations is available. Our teaching focus is on the master’s programme “History & Economics”, which offers a unique interdisciplinary education in history and economics.
Your profile
- Ph.D. in economic history, history or relevant discipline based on archival research
- Research interests in the global economy, business history, financial history, and/or history of economic thought
- Experiences in academic teaching in English
- Publishing record, including international visible journals
- Good English language skills
Your responsibility
- Conducting an independent research project in the field of modern economic and social history
- Teaching of 5 hours per week during the semester in English or German
- Participation in the organisation of the MA-programme “History&Economics”
The appointment beginns on April 1st, 2025. It is initially limited to 3 years with the possibility of renewal for another 3 years. Payment follows the scale of A13 for civil servants (non-permanent).
The University of Bayreuth values the diversity of its employees as an enrichment and is expressly committed to the goal of equal opportunities for all genders. Women are strongly encouraged to apply in this regard. Individuals who bring more diversity to the research and teaching profile of the University of Bayreuth are explicitly invited to apply. Applicants with children are very welcome. The University of Bayreuth is a member of the Best Practice Club "Familie in der Hochschule e. V.", has successfully participated in the HRK audit "Internationalization of the University" and offers dual career support. Persons with severe disabilities will be given preferential consideration if they are equally qualified.
Your application
Applications including cover letter, CV, list of academic teaching, draft for a research project should be uploaded until October 15th, 2024 via our Application Portal Uni Bayreuth indicating the keyword "economic history".
For further information please visit our homepage or contact: Jan-Otmar Hesse, Professor für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte E-Mail:
Tel. 0921/55-4189